Thank you for choosing to report something that has happened. We understand that things might feel difficult or tough at the moment, but by choosing to provide your contact details, we'll be able to help provide you with better support and the information you supply may prevent something similar from happening to someone else.
If you are in immediate danger or are seriously injured, please call 999 (or 112 from a mobile).
If you need immediate support or feel in crisis, we have listed several emergency services contact details on
GSA's external website that you may find helpful.
Students can access information on GSA's student services
Staff can access information on GSA staff services
here Your data is important to us. We won't collect or store any information that goes against our Privacy Policy.
**PLEASE NOTE: This site is not designed to receive urgent reports. You will be contacted within 5 working days of submission of this report. This site is monitored 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays and periods of university closure **